Family Math 2
How do you like these Family Math diagrams I made? I did them for a teacher, so she could hook the youth of our country into genealogy!!
Actually, I remember growing up with a lot of 1st cousins and 2nd cousins around, and the ones in between I never could understand.
DNA you get from your grandparents:
If you are a woman: You got around 1/4 of your autosomal DNA from your paternal grandfather. Same for your other 3 grandparents. You did NOT get any of the DNA on your X chromosomes from your paternal grandfather. This can be helpful when you are looking at your X-chromosome matches on GEDmatch. If you have an X match, its not from your paternal grandfather's side. One of your X chromosomes came directly from your paternal grandmother, and the other is a cross-ove rmix of your maternal grandparents.
If you are a man: You got around 1/4 of your autosomal DNA from each of your grandparents. You got your Y chromosome from your paternal grandfather. You got your X chromosome from your mother, and it is a cross-over mix of your maternal grandparents' X chromosomes. Anyone you is an X match to you, it is on your mother's side.
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